So I just finished this excellent dvd series. It gives me huge road trip withdrawal I have to say.
That said, I am wondering about their bike selection. Granted it was kinda forced on them when the one manufacturer pulled out. It seemed to me that the bmw's were great bikes for the trip in terms of reliability no question.But is it just me but were they not also way too big and heavy for the hard bits? Just curious what people think and what they would pick for such a trip. Clearly a sexy Triumph Sprint ST 14 wouldn't be a good pick except for the easy North American bits.Thoughts?
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Thank you.
Dave... if you're asking what bike is best for long trips it depends on a lot of issues. There are many here that will have much more info than i, but I would suggest a heavier bike (for freeways) and one that you can afford. Hondas and others are water cooled while many older HD's are not. But to me the biggest issue is comfort. You need to sit on and test ride different bikes ad find one on which you are most comfortable. Maybe this isi a start???