Save the Date for the 2022 R2R!
The Ride2Remember is planned to be in San Diego, California during September 8th to 11th.
A contract is currently being negotiated with San Diego Marriott Del Mar. When the contract is finalized and the R2R website is up and running, how to make reservations will be provided.
Other details to follow when available.
Celebrate Israel Day Parade
Sunday May 22nd, the fun continues as we ride up Fifth Avenue at the annual Celebrate Israel parade. We will meet at Bagels and Company in the morning at the corner of 79th Street and Amsterdam Avenue at about 10:30 am. Please be prepared by bringing your valid driver's license, motorcycle registration and insurance paperwork for police inspection. The Highway Patrol division of the NYPD will then escort us to our secret staging area where we will join the parade and proudly represent our strong, Jewish motorcycle club. Non members (and those who haven't taken a safety course for years) will be charged a nominal fee to make up for our registration fee. (Yes, we pay to participate in…
We have secured a hotel in San Diego! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Announcing hotel in the next newsletter.. Sept 8-11, 2022
As planned in 2020, the JMA's charitable beneficiary will be the international Butterfly Project, based in San Diego. See their website at