Written by Bob Cohen, JMA President
It seems like a week doesn’t go by when I get a text, email, or phone call from one or more of our club members wanting to know when and where is the next Ride 2 Remember. I think about all the issues in the world these days, and how each of these issues affects other issues in one way or another. And then I think about opinions, expectations and facts that all seem to get twisted into an array of confusion.
Reminds me of an old Buffalo Springfield song from 1967 called “For What It’s Worth.” Some of the words have deep meaning especially into today’s global society:
There's something happening here But what it is ain't exactly clear…..
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop Children, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down?
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
I am pleased to let each of you know that both the JMA Board of Directors and the Club Representatives Council continue to meet periodically to discuss, in detail, potential programs both at the JMA level (including the Ride 2 Remember) and the Club level Meet and Greets. Clubs continue to offer programs to their members, our JMA continues to plan the Ride 2 Remember, and Clubs are organizing Meet and Greets through 2021 which all JMA Club members are invited to attend, no matter what Club they belong to. In all cases, we encourage all Club members to observe the health regulations established within the local communities and if there are no regulations to practice reasonable behavior that is in everyone's interest.
As of now, your JMA has a Ride 2 Remember planned for September 30 - October 2, 2021 in Tennessee to visit the Whitwell School Paperclips Museum. We also anticipate a Ride to Remember planned for San Diego in the Spring of 2022. However, we do not know yet what conditions we will be facing in either of those time-slots. As details are defined and stronger assurances become available supporting the appropriateness or legal permissibility for such an event, we will determine the status of the R2R. Please be assured that we will keep you and your Club Rep informed as firm plans are made.
In my discussion with Clubs all over the world, they are all facing the same problems that we are experiencing in the USA and Canada. The mood of our international alliance is stronger and more positive than it has been in many years. And we are all looking forward to riding free, safe and healthy.
As always, please feel free to make any suggestions for future programs and activities for our Clubs and our Club members either through your Club Rep or directly to me at my email or phone.
To you and your friends, relatives and family, please stay healthy.
Bob Cohen
International President Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance
330.802.2200 mobile