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Arizona Spring Tour - A Poem and Pictures!!

T’was around the latter part of last year,

An idea was hatched, probably over a beer.

For an Arizona Spring Tour for anyone to join,

Doug, the Organizer, waited to see who was goin’.

The GOLF Riders from Canada said winter’s too long,

And on any Arizona road, you can’t go wrong.

So to ride around with the Lost Tribe crew,

And get away from the cold, in they flew.

On a Friday in March, the trip had begun,

With two clubs riding for four days of fun.

Eight bikes started, one more joined the next day,

Here are some of the sights we saw while on our way.

Day One, Tortilla Flat, Apache Trail, Yarnell Hill,

Riding those curves certainly took some skill.

Day Two, Watson Lake, Jerome and Sedona,

The riding is great in this part of Arizona.

Then Oak Creek Canyon and over to Route 66,

Yes, as they say, this is where to get your kicks.

Overnight in Peach Springs and the start to Day Three,

Stopped in Hackberry, so much to see.

A place with Route 66 chatchkes galore,

You just gotta’ visit this memorabilia store.

Onwards to Oatman where freely burros roam,

The streets of this old town is where they call home.

Next to the Colorado River is where lunch we did eat,

We ended in Lake Havasu, another day complete.

Day Four, Vulture Mine Road then back to Phoenix we went,

This Arizona Spring Tour was a fantastic event.

The time everyone had was certainly great,

Hope to do it again on some future date.


Lost Tribe of Arizona

Doug Faigel - organized and led the ride

Max Heeres

Steve Heims

Nevin Heitner

Len Suckle

Don Schaffer (Chicago transplant who winters in Arizona)

GOLF Riders

Steve Levitt

Marley Levitt (Steve's daughter)

Joel Kleinberg

Sheldon Smaye

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