R2R Message Board
Ok Folks, The Great JMA Fundraising Contest to benefit the Butterfly Project is rapidly coming to a close. To be eligible to win the fund raising contest you MUST have ALL your contributions in the mail by next Tuesday. Any checks postmarked later than Tuesday, August 30 won’t be considered. So now is the time to really get on the ball if you wish to win that coveted room upgrade. Go over your list. If you have contacts who promised to make contributions but not yet gotten it to you, now is the time to remind them. Have one last look at your contact list to make sure there is no one you have overlooked.
Good luck to all and Thank you for participating. Win or not, you are helping to support the very important work of this fine organization, The Butterfly Project.
Send the checks to ;
The Butterfly Project Office
ATT: JMA Fundraising Contest
4950 Murphy Canyon Rd.
San Diego, CA 92123
The contest winner will be announced on Monday, September 5th
See you in San Diego.
Vice President Elect JMA
R2R Committee
Raconteur par Excellence